Sacrament of Matrimony

Scaffolding Notice!

St. Patrick Church will contain a significant amount of scaffolding from September, 2024 through May, 2025, as a part of our restoration project. There will be scaffolding and disruption of access during this time. We cannot guarantee the condition of the church for your wedding in this time period. Anyone applying to be married at St. Patrick’s must acknowledge and accept limited access, seating, and visibility.

Congratulations on your engagement!

Matrimony is the sacrament that unites a man and a woman in a lifelong covenant of love and fidelity, reflecting the union of Christ and the Church. It is a vocation that calls couples to live out their faith in their family life. "Matrimony is ordered toward the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring" (CCC 1601). This sacrament is rooted in the creation narrative (Genesis 2:24) and is celebrated within the context of the Church, emphasizing the sanctity of marriage.

People eating around an outdoor grill for Kermes
Hamburgers on grill

Sacramental Preparation Process

To get started fill out and submit the online Wedding Inquiry Form.  Our pastoral assistant will contact you with 1-2 working days to learn more about you and assess where you are in your spiritual journey. We also recommend carefully reading the Marriage Prep Process document.