Order of Christian Initiation for Adults


Please contact our Pastoral Associate James Ruiz via email at james.ruiz@stpatrickpdx.org if you have any questions, or are interested in becoming Catholic . 


Confirmation is the sacrament that strengthens the grace received at Baptism, empowering individuals to live out their faith boldly. It is conferred through the laying on of hands and anointing with chrism. "Confirmation brings an increase and deepening of baptismal grace" (CCC 1303). This sacrament is a personal Pentecost, where the Holy Spirit is bestowed upon the confirmand, enabling them to be active witnesses of Christ in the world (Acts 8:14-17).


What is OCIA and who is it for?

OCIA stands for the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults. The OCIA is a process within the Catholic Church designed to welcome and prepare adults wishing to become full members of the Catholic faith. 

The OCIA program is primarily intended for three groups of people:

  1. Unbaptized adults: These individuals have never been baptized in any Christian tradition.
  2. Baptized Christians from other denominations: This includes individuals who have been baptized in other Christian traditions but wish to become members of the Catholic Church.
  3. Baptized Catholics needing First Communion and/or Confirmation: Some individuals may have been baptized as Catholics but did not receive the sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation at the usual age. They participate in OCIA to prepare for receiving these sacraments.

The OCIA process is led by a team of clergy, catechists, and other parishioners who support and guide the participants through their faith journey. It is an essential and joyful part of the Catholic Church's mission to welcome new members into the community and help them grow in their relationship with God.